Η εμφάνιση της δυσφαγίας στην υποξεία φάση του αγγειακού εγκεφαλικού επεισοδίου (Master thesis)

Νταλού, Αικατερίνη

Dysphagia is a term used to describe a disorder of the food intake, which usually affects patients that have experienced a stroke. Patients with dysphagia usually face pneumonia, due to aspiration, dehydration, and subnutrition. Thus, it is of high importance to be diagnosed timely. The purpose of the given study is to determine the frequency of appearance of dysphagia in the subacute phase of a stroke. Method: For the existence and assessment of dysphagia, the investigator used the Ohkuma questionnaire. The affore mentioned tool, is tested and standardised for the Greek language. 104 patients participated in the researc, and all had suffered from a stroke. All patients were admitted at the “Arogi Euromedica” rehabilitation center in Thessaloniki, during the time period 1/6/2017 to 31/9/2018. From those, 55 (53%) were men with average age 71 and 49 (47%) of them were women, withaverage age 72. Additionally, 90 of them were diagnosed with an ischaemic stroke (stroke) and 14 were diagnosed with a hemorrhage stroke (14%). At 73 patients of the given sample, (70,2%), the damage was located in the right hemisphere, and at 31 of the patients, (29,8%)the damage was located in the left hemisphere. The only criteria that patients needed to fulfil in order to be able to be admitted in the given survey, was not to suffer from any communication disorder, such as aphasia, or expirience traits from any other kind of neuropsychological disorder such as dementia. Discussion: The results from the investigation that was conducted are all summurized in the table 1 bellow: Dysphagia after stroke- subacute phase 53.8% Dysphagia in pharyngeal stage 35,6% Dysphagia in oral stage 44,2% Dysphagia in women 47% Dysphagia in men 53% Dysphagia in stroke left 32,3% Dysphagia in stroke right 63% Dysphagia of the anterior system 48,1% Dysphagia of the posterior system 61,8% Dysphagia of the posterior-anterior 56,3% Dysphagia in hydration 65,4% Dysphagia in alimentation 29,8% Conclusions: Patients that have experienced a stroke and are in the subacute phase, are more likely to experience dysphagia symptoms, with the percent being up to 53,8% (table 1). Likewise, it has been ascertained by the research of Mann et al., 2000. It has also been observed that dysphagia is statistically related to the affected area, being more frequent in the posterior system. Finally, the Ohkuma questionnaire can become a useful tool for the selection of patients by the nursing staff, before the evaluation of speech therapist.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Σχολή Επιστημών Υγείας. Τμήμα Ιατρικής
Subject classification: Cerebrovascular disease
Keywords: Δυσφαγία,Αγγειακό εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο,Υποξεία,Dysphagia,Stroke,Hypoxia
URI: https://repo.lib.duth.gr/jspui/handle/123456789/11126

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