Καταγραφή και πρόγνωση των ΑΕΕ στο νοσοκομείο Δράμας (Βασισμένη σε νοσοκομειακά δεδομένα) (Master thesis)

Ξάνθης, Ανδρέας

Introduction: Stroke is the 1nd cause of non-traumatic disability and the 3nd cause of death in Europe. In Greece only a few epidemiological studies have been performed. Our study aims in recording all stroke patients admitted to Drama Regional Hospital for one year (2014). Methods: all patients were registered with acute stroke diagnosis. The type, etiology, disability (mRS score), hospitalization duration and risk factors were recorded. Results: In total 325 stroke were observed per 100.000 people per year. 92% had ischemic stroke and 8% hemorrhagic. Mean age was 75.5 years ±7.7. Stroke were classified as: lacunar (55.7%), cardioembolic (22.9%), large vessels (8.6%), other cause (1.5%) and cryptogenic (0.7%) mean duration of hospitalization was 4.9 days±1.5 in ischemic strokes and 13.5 days±2.2 in hemorrhagic strokes. Total in-hospital mortality was 7.8%. mRS score in ischemic strokes was higher in men than women (3.5-2.9 ±1.1). as far as risk factors are concerned, men had higher rates of diabetes (38%-20%), smoking (21%-8%) and atrial fibrillation (31%-6%) than women. Mortality was also higher in men compared with women in ischemic (4.6%-1.4%) and hemorrhagic strokes (41%-8%). An important proportion of patients had transient ischemic attack (15.6%) and atrial fibrillation (18%). In multiple regression analysis men and atrial fibrillation were statistically significant determinants of mRS score (p<0.05). Results: Stroke incidence in Drama was found similar to other greek studies, but with smaller mortality rates. Ischemic strokes seem to exert more severe disability and mortality to men than women.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Σχολή Επιστημών Υγείας. Τμήμα Ιατρικής
Subject classification: Cerebrovascular disease
Keywords: Αγγειακό εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο,Δράμα,Stroke,Drama
URI: https://repo.lib.duth.gr/jspui/handle/123456789/11140

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