Natural killer cells και υποβοηθούμενη αναπαραγωγή (Master thesis)

Πακάκη, Φωτεινή

Conseption and giving birth to a baby is a process in which many factors contribute. Over the last few decades, the role of the immune system has been dealt with in the search for the causes of infertility. The immune system combined with the hormonal profile contributes to the implantation and maintenance of pregnancy.In the present study we are looking at the role of natural killer (NK) cells, which are lymphocytes, in order to investigate both their presence and their role in fertility and onset abortions.NKs are part of the body's specific immunity and destroy target cells by antibody-dependent cytotoxicity. NKs are activated by the appropriate receptors; bind to the target cell and by injecting lytic enzymes destroying the target cells. Expression of CD16 and CD56 surface receptors, both peripheral blood NK and endometrial uNK, is responsible for cytotoxicity.The hormonal profile, depending on the phase of the woman's diurnal cycle, plays a role both in the concentration of NKs and in their activity. Hormones involved in this process are mainly progesterone and, to a lesser extent, prolactin and estrogens.Hormonal regulation occurs in two ways either directly via the receptors or indirectly via helper T-helper cells, Th-1 and Th-2 and cytokine secretion. The Th-1 / Th-2 ratio plays a role in the proliferation and NK activity.uNK is responsible for the production of cytokines that contribute to the proper environment for the invasion, growth of the trophoblast and creation of the placenta, while uNK does not lyse the trophoblastic cells through a locally suppressed immune environment. Local and peripheral changes are a result of a direct effect of progesterone on NK but also indirect through increased Th-2 secretion over Th-1 cytokines.The hormonal equilibrium according to the menstruation cycle or gestation seems to be interrelated with the concentration and activity of NK and the balance of cytokines. This relationship is investigated and developed in this work to highlight the role of NK in infertility, abortions, implantation and maintenance of pregnancy.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Σχολή Επιστημών Υγείας. Τμήμα Ιατρικής
Subject classification: Human reproduction
Keywords: Κύτταρα φυσικοί δολοφόνοι,Υπογονιμότητα,Διαδοχική αυθόρμητη άμβλωση,Natural killer cells,Infertility,Consecutive spontaneous abortion
Appears in Collections:Π.Μ.Σ. ΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΝΗ ΑΝΑΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΗ

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