Insomnia and sleep quality of patients with treated thyroid cancer (Master thesis)

Σακελλαρίου, Μαρία/ Sakellariou, Maria

Introduction: In the last decades sleep disorders, and mainly insomnia, appear with an increasing incidence in the general population. Especially in cancer patients sleep health is of major importance since sleep associated disorders seem to impair their quality of life. Purpose: To assess sleep quality and insomnia in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer after initial diagnosis and treatment. Methods: Seventy patients with differentiated thyroid cancer were recruited from Theagenio Cancer Hospital of Thessaloniki. All patients completed questionnaires on insomnia (Athens Insomnia Index (AIS)), sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)) and anxiety (Spielberger State-Trait Inventory) during their appointement. Recent TSH levels as well as demographics were also recorded. Comparative and multivariable regression analyses were performed to investigate any associations between sleep quality/insomnia with demographic and disease factors (time since surgery, radioactive iodine therapy, thyroid cancer stage), TSH levels, and anxiety. Results: Statistically significant correlation was found between insomnia and anxiety (p<0.0005), total sleep quality and anxiety (p<0.0005), as well as total sleep quality and TSH levels (p=0.005). Multiple linear regression analyses showed anxiety to be the only independent risk factor for the occurrence of insomnia as well as for poor sleep quality. Conclusions: In our study anxiety is the only independent risk factor of poor sleep quality and insomnia in patients with thyroid cancer 1-5 years after initial diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, clinicians should refer all thyroid cancer patients to mental health specialists for anxiety assessment and potential therapy in order to achieve better sleep health outcomes.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Σχολή Επιστημών Υγείας. Τμήμα Ιατρικής
Subject classification: Insomnia
Keywords: Insomnia,Sleep quality,Thyroid cancer,Αϋπνία,Ποιότητα ύπνου,Καρκίνος του θυρεοειδούς
Appears in Collections:Π.Μ.Σ. ΙΑΤΡΙΚΗ ΤΟΥ ΥΠΝΟΥ

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