Ο υπολογισμός αποζημιώσεων στις διαφορές υπό την Συνθήκη για τον Χάρτη Ενέργειας (Master thesis)

Μαραγκού, Μαριάνθη-Ειρήνη

This paper deals with the issue of assessing damages and calculating compensation in cases of violation of the protective principles of the Energy Charter Treaty, through the perspective of arbitration court decisions. The first chapter analyzes the model for calculating reparations included in the Treaty itself and the second chapter presents the customary law principle of full restitution, as it was expressed by the Permanent Court of International Justice in the Chorzów factory case and codified by the International Commission of Law in the Draft Articles on the International Responsibility of States, presenting decisions of arbitral tribunals. The third chapter is devoted to the method used by the arbitral tribunals to find the valuation time for the calculation of damages and the fourth chapter lists the methods of calculating the damages applied by the arbitral tribunals. As a conclusion, the tendency of many contracting states parties to the Energy Charter Treaty to withdraw from it is commented, due to the ambiguity that surrounds the regulation of compensation issues in the text of the Treaty.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Νομική Σχολή
Subject classification: Compensation (Law)
Keywords: Συνθήκη για τον Χάρτη της Ενέργειας,Εθιμικό δίκαιο,Πλήρης αποκατάσταση,Ενέργεια,Energy Charter Treaty,Customary law,Full compensation,Energy
URI: https://repo.lib.duth.gr/jspui/handle/123456789/17969

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