Η ενέργεια ως πτυχή της κινέζικης πολιτικής στα Βαλκάνια (Master thesis)

Αβαγκιάν, Ντιάνα

In the following text, we seek to understand China's relationship with the Balkan countries in the field of energy, which is sought through the method of financing with capital, investments and loans in the wider Balkan region. Then will be analyze the Chinese project in the specific countries along the «Balkan Silk Road». Moreover, will be discussed about existing obstacles and how they could be overcome in order to achieve beneficial results for the Balkan countries. It will also capture the level of participation of Chinese state-owned companies, political leaders, diplomatic missions, lending institutions, universities and cultural organizations in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, gradually redefining relations between China and its European regions. In particular, in countries that make up the Balkans, China identifies excellent investment opportunities, at a time when various EU Member States still view the region as a source of political instability, refugee and migration flows, and a threat of terrorism and drug trafficking. Instead, China is constantly introducing and developing new flexible cooperation frameworks. Under the umbrella of the BRI initiative, the "17 + 1" initiative now exists with the participation of Greece. The 17 + 1 framework seeks to improve trade and economic relations between China and 17 Central and Eastern European countries, including Southeastern Europe. The participating countries are Greece, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYROM, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. However, in this text we will be referred only some specific regions of the Balkans. Finally, we will also mention the relationship between Greece and China, and for that reason the Chinese government considers our country as the pillar of the "One Belt One Road" initiative. The text will provide an extensive analysis of Greece's accession to the 17 + 1 initiative. In addition, we will mention the reason why China considers the development of the port of Piraeus important.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Νομική Σχολή
Subject classification: Energy policy--China
Keywords: Κίνα,Βαλκάνια,Ενεργειακή πολιτική,Πειραιάς,Μια ζώνη ένας δρόμος,China,Balkan countries,Energy policy,Piraeus,One belt one road initiative,COSCO
URI: https://repo.lib.duth.gr/jspui/handle/123456789/18136

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