Comparison between 2D and 3D imaging for Pharyngeal airway space (PAS) evaluation (Master thesis)

Ρουλιάς, Παναγιώτης/ Roulias, Panagiotis

AIM: To compare the width of the pharyngeal airway space (PAS) on the axial slices of cone-beam computed tomography images (CBCTs) to the PAS width, as measured on the midsagittal plane of lateral cephalograms (LCs) recreated from CBCTs. Additionally, to assess the correlation between the PAS width linear measurements of the LCs and the total area of the airway. METHODS: In this retrospective study, DICOM files from 50 patients were analyzed using the Viewbox software. A LC image was reconstructed and upper airway features, such as the path and the borders, were determined from every CBCT. The slice corresponding to the minimum airway area was detected and linear measurements of the anteroposterior width were taken on both the LC image and the CBCT slice. Intraobserver and interobserver measurement errors were evaluated in a sample of 20 cases. Agreement between the two modalities (LC and CBCT) was assessed using the Bland-Altman method. The correlation between LC linear measurements and CBCT-slice minimum airway area was evaluated by linear regression analysis. RESULTS: Mean airway width in LC images was 11.10 mm (SD=4.06) and 10.50 mm (SD=4.03) in CBCT slices. A significant difference between LC and CBCT measurements was detected, with LC linear measurements exceeding the CBCT measurements (p=0.001) by 0.60 mm. Although the correlation coefficient was high (0.96), Bland-Altman 95% limits of agreement were wide (-1.66 to 2.87). The correlation coefficient between LC linear measurements and minimum airway area was R=0.836 (p<0.001). LIMITATIONS: The retrospective design of the study. Airway measurements were sensitive to airway segmentation in the CBCT images. The inclination of the airway path may influence the determination of the airway cross section minimum area. CONCLUSION: LC measurements tend to overestimate the airway width in comparison to the CBCT measurements. Using LC for the estimation of airway dimensions should be given careful consideration.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Σχολή Επιστημών Υγείας. Τμήμα Ιατρικής
Subject classification: Respiration
Keywords: Sleep apnea,Lateral cephalogram x-ray,Orthodontics,Υπνική άπνοια,Πλάγια κεφαλομετρική ακτινογραφία,Ορθοδοντική
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