Incidence of acute kidney injury in hospitalized patients in a medical ward (Master thesis)

Πάττας, Χρήστος/ Pattas, Christos

Acute kidney injury is aclinical syndromeaffecting the proper renal excretory function occurring within hour or a few days and while it can appear with mild symptoms, it can develop into chronic kidney disease.The accumulation of waste products in blood and the inability of kidneysto maintain the balance of volumeand electrolytes can affect also other systems, such as the cardiovascular and central nervous system. The prevalence of the disease is relatively high withincreased age, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart failure and chronic kidney disease being well recognized factors associated with the occurrence of acute kidney injury in the literature. In the present research, the results of 139 patients who were admitted to the medical ward of General Hospital of Chalkiswith acute kidney injury over the year 2022 are analyzed. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of acute kidney injury, the comorbidities associated with it and the probability of survival in patients with this diagnosis. According to the results, the incidence of acute kidney injury is 4% with higher occurrence rate in females than males. Additionally, patients with this diagnosis have higher mortality rate comparing to patients hospitalized the same period with stroke, who have similar risk factors. The results showed that acute kidney injury has a high mortality rate and even higher than patients with stroke, who have similar risk factors. The latter have 70% less probability of dying than the former (p-value=0.05).It is expected that more research will be conducted on the occurrence of acute kidney injury at younger ages.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Σχολή Επιστημών Υγείας. Τμήμα Ιατρικής
Subject classification: Acute renal faoilure
Keywords: Acute kidney injury,Medical ward,Outcomes,Οξεία νεφρική βλάβη,Παθολογική κλινική,Επιπτώσεις

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