Representations of Madness in Contemporary Μodern Greek Literature (Master thesis)

Μπαρμπούδη, Ζωή/ Barmpoudi, Zoi

This dissertation seeks to explore the signification of mental illness and its representations in regard to some of the most representative works of modern Greek prose. Mental illness in literature is defined as any form of mental pain, which is approached from the point of view of the patients themselves and their social circle. Drawing its main premises from cultural theory, disability studies, and critical discourse analysis, the study aims to unravel the complexity of mental illness as a form of otherness (alterity) and to approach the construction of mental illness and its narrativization in a corpus of modern Greek prose in terms of the following aspects: 1. social class and gender 2. attitude of the social environment 3. childhood experiences/family relationships 4. religion/ethnicity/language. At the same time, an attempt is made to establish whether there has been a "paradigm shift", in relation to the consideration of mental illness as a stigma and its representations, especially in comparison to earliest examples of modern Greek prose. The literary works in the present study fall into the genres of novel, autobiography and post autobiographical fiction and are the following: Margarita Karapanou’s Rien ne va plus (2012); Ioanna Karystiani’s The saint of Loneliness (2003) and also by the same author The Sacks (2010); August Corteau’s The book of Katerina (2013), and also by the same author, Little Chronicle of Madness (2016).
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Σχολή Επιστημών Αγωγής. Τμήμα Επιστημών της Εκπαίδευσης στην Προσχολική Ηλικία
Subject classification: Mental illness in literature
Keywords: Ψυχική νόσος,Σύγχρονη νεοελληνική πεζογραφία,Ετερότητα,Ταυτότητα,Αφηγηματοποίηση,Τραύμα,Mental illness,Modern Greek prose,Alterity,Identity,Narrativization,Trauma

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