Επίδραση της γνωσιακής μεταβλητής "τυπική συλλογιστική" στην κατανόηση της καύσης από μαθητές ηλικίας 10-12 ετών (Bachelor thesis)

Δημητρίου, Νικολέττα/ Καραδήμου, Μαρία/ Φούντα, Κασσιανή/ Dimitriou, Nikoletta/ Karadimou, Maria/ Founta, Kassiani

The present assignment constitutes an effort to study the effect of the “Logical Thinking” factor, in comprehending the phenomenon combustion of the lighter, by students of two last Classes from a Primary School. It is constituted by the bibliographic and the research part. In the first part, there are theories that have been developed and opinions that have been formulated, with regard to the Logical Thinking and the relevant with it meanings. The first part also includes the comprehension by the children of the physics and chemical meanings, such as the state of matter, its molecular structure and chemical changes. It is also includes scientific research that concerns the abovementioned variables individually, and also research which try to study these variables in combination to each other and to find a relation between them. In the research part, via the study of answers of children of the fifth and sixth class of the Primary School, in relative questionnaires there is an effort to establish some relation between the Logical Thinking and the comprehension of the phenomenon of combustion of a lighter The research sample is constituted by 99 children from various Primary Schools, which completed a test for the evaluation of their syllogistic ability. This test was part of the thought by Lawson and a questionnaire that concerned the phenomenon of combustion of a lighter. From studying the answers, resulted a different approach of the phenomenon of combustion by the children of different syllogistic ability, something that strengthens the opinion that there is a relation between the two variables of research. The children of higher syllogistic ability had a tendency to give more completed answers in the questions that concerned the combustion, while they also made certain efforts of approach with regard to the composition of the reactors and products of reaction, as well as of the process that takes place, something that did not happen from the children of low syllogistic ability. These results might be found useful as far as the development of teaching methods is concerned which takes into consideration the above named factors and helps the students comprehend the scientific significances, via the improvement of their syllogistic ability.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Σχολή Επιστημών Αγωγής. Παιδαγωγικό Τμήμα Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης
Subject classification: Physical sciences--Study and teaching
Keywords: Τυπική συλλογιστική,Καύση,Συλλογιστική ικανότητα,logical thinking,Combustion,Syllogistic ability
URI: https://repo.lib.duth.gr/jspui/handle/123456789/19395

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