Dental causes (dentoalveolar surgery, periapical inflammations, endodontic - dental surgery materials) as risk factors or causes of chronic rhinosinusitis (Master thesis)

Ζαφειρούδης, Παναγιώτης - Πάρις/ Zafeiroudis, Panagiotis - Paris

The prevalence of O.S. is getting increased progressively (unilateral sinusitis). In the literature is easy to find data about non iatrogenic O.S. On the other hand, dental Iatrogenic harm as a cause of Sinusitis is difficult to find in literature, because dental incidents with maxillary complication are scarce and when are present dentists avoid to edit them. Firstly, dentists don’t edit them because mainly represent iatrogenic harm and secondly the majority of articles about Maxillary Sinusitis belongs to ENT society. Thus, even if a great number of O.S. is cured, many incidents omit editing. Anatomy of maxillary sinus, demographic data, causes, risk factors, pathophysiology and histology of the disease are included in this master thesis. O.S. patients were divided in groups according to risk factors and the cause of their O.S.. In the end, clinical data and diagnostic methodology of the disease dependent on the cause is included. Also anatomy sketches of patients with O.S. are included. Data about diagnostic methodology and therapeutic approach was taken by UpToDate literature. The basic intraoral examination and dental history key points are referred. For the diagnostic methodology and therapeutic approach of O.S., data was taken from prospective or retrospective clinical trials (PubMed, ScienceDirect and Wiley) and each of these trials included a large number of patients. Also, a search for clinical cases with remarkable symptoms was conducted. Therapeutic approach of the remarkable clinical cases and the number of patients that followed each approach is mentioned. In this master thesis the key point is to show the importance of cooperation between dentists and medical practitioners, especially nowadays, because we have FESS in our arsenal. Both, dentists and medical practitioners have their roles in therapeutic approach. When each of them is must get involved is described. Many times a non - odontogenic etiology, eg obstruction of the ostium, can provoke an O.S. which was asymptomatic or can lead a pro-prosthetic dental surgery to failure.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Σχολή Επιστημών Υγείας. Τμήμα Ιατρικής
Subject classification: Sinusitis
Keywords: Odontogenic sinusitis,Oroantal communication,Schneiderian membrane,Οδοντογενής ιγμορίτιδα,Μεμβράνη του Schneider,Στοματοκολπική επικοινωνία

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