Research of the principles of the circular economy in the hotel industry (Master thesis)

Τσαγκαράκης, Νικόλαος Μάριος/ Tsagkarakis, Nikolaos Marios

This study explores the implementation of circular economy principles in the hotel industry, focusing on employee perceptions, obstacles faced, and the benefits of sustainable practices. Data analysis revealed that staff largely recognize the importance of circular economy practices and their impact on enhancing hotel reputation and competitiveness. However, significant barriers such as high initial implementation costs, lack of adequate training, and expertise were identified. The absence of governmental support also hinders efforts towards sustainable management. Despite these challenges, hotels that adopt circular economy practices report economic and environmental benefits, including reduced operational costs and increased demand from environmentally conscious customers. The study concludes that the circular economy can provide substantial competitive advantages and calls for greater staff training and government incentives to facilitate the widespread adoption of these practices.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης. Πολυτεχνική Σχολή. Τμήμα Μηχανικών Παραγωγής και Διοίκησης
Subject classification: Circular economy
Keywords: Βιώσιμη διαχείριση,Περιβαλλοντικά οφέλη,Ανταγωνιστικότητα,Sustainable management,Environmental benefits,Competitiveness

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